ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

276th Session
Geneva, November 1999

Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee



Voluntary contributions and gifts

1. At its 151st Session (February-March 1962), the Governing Body authorized the Director-General to accept gifts in money or in kind made by governments, governmental or non-governmental organizations or private persons in aid of ILO operational programmes, at his discretion and subject to the condition that the gifts should not involve any financial liability for the Members of the Organization. These general powers were given to the Director-General in extension of the authority granted by the Governing Body at its 130th Session (November 1955) and confirmed at its 138th Session (February-March 1958). At its 251st Session (November 1991), the Governing Body authorized the Director-General to accept gifts in money or in kind made by governments, governmental or non-governmental organizations or private persons, at his discretion, provided that they did not involve any financial liability for the Members of the Organization and provided that details of such gifts were reported periodically to the Governing Body.

2. Details of gifts accepted by the Director-General were last communicated to the Committee in November 1997. (1)  Gifts accepted in aid of operational programmes since that date are listed in the appendix. These gifts represent donations towards ongoing ILO activities and do not therefore include funds received for technical cooperation activities.

Geneva, 4 October 1999.

1. GB.270/PFA/2.


Gifts in aid of operational programmes

In February 1998 the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) made a donation of $10,000 towards a study on Employment policies in the American region.

In August 1998 the Government of Finland donated 20,000 Finnish marks towards the project on Combating discrimination against migrant workers and ethnic minorities in the world of work.

In October 1998 the Japanese Trade Union Confederation (RENGO) donated ¥6,000,000 towards the ILO/RENGO Subregional African Leadership Workshop on Workers' Benefits from Productivity Improvements. A further Sw.frs.6,985 was received from RENGO in May 1999 to cover the production of the report of this workshop.

In December 1998 the Government of Chile contributed $11,090 towards a study on the Challenges of modernization of labour relations.

In January 1999 the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) donated $13,502 towards the ILO Symposium on Labour Issues in the Context of Economic Integration and Free Trade.

The Eli Lilly and Company Foundation donated $40,000 in December 1998 and a further $35,000 in February 1999 towards the research project Behavioural risk management: Using the workplace for prevention and referral to treatment of behavioural disabilities.

In March 1999 the Japan International Labour Foundation (JILAF) gave a grant of ¥960,000 to cover the participation of Asian trade unionists in international conferences on safety and health, including the XVth World Congress on Occupational Safety and Health, and the International Symposium of the ISSA International Section on Prevention of Occupational Risks in the Construction Industry.

In March 1999 the Swiss Development Corporation (SDC) contributed 148,700 Pakistan rupees towards the production of the report on the Seminar on Business Development Services for Micro- and Small Enterprises.

In April 1999 the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Washington, DC, donated $100,000 towards the action programme Microfinance in industrialized countries. In May 1999 a further $25,000 was received for this project from the German Marshall Fund, Washington, DC. In July 1999 the Government of the United Kingdom gave a grant of £60,000 and the Bank of England £10,000 towards the same programme.

A grant of DM12,750 was received from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) in June 1999 for the publication of a manual on Defining social criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management: A guide to ILO texts.

In August 1999 the Council for Normalization and Certification of Competency Standards (CONOCER), Mexico, contributed $7,500 towards a study on labour competency standards.

In addition, a number of plaques and decorative objects have been donated to the Office.

Other gifts

In March 1999 Mrs. Jane Jenks made a gift to the ILO of the personal papers of the late former Director-General of the ILO, Mr. C. Wilfred Jenks. The documents cover his entire life: studies in Cambridge, joining the ILO in 1931 as a member of the Office of the Legal Adviser, then his career as Legal Adviser, Assistant Director-General, Deputy Director-General and finally Director-General. They include his private correspondence with his family, friends and colleagues, and with eminent jurists and international figures, and reflect his work as an international civil servant and as an author in the field of social and labour law. The collection also includes a large number of handwritten versions of speeches, articles and publications. The collection has been sorted and classified, and is now being indexed. The C. Wilfred Jenks archives have been organized in a special room in the Archives, and will be available for consultation to researchers as from March 2000.

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.