ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

276th Session
Geneva, November 1999

Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee



Appointments to the Investments Committee
of the International Labour Organization

1. Under article V of the Regulations of the International Institute for Labour Studies, the investment of the Institute's assets is decided upon after consultation with the Investments Committee of the ILO. Consultation with the Investments Committee is also provided for in article VI of the Statute of the International Training Centre of the ILO, Turin, regarding the investment of the funds of the Centre.

2. The Investments Committee is appointed by the Governing Body on the recommendation of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee. The present members of the Committee are Mr. Yves Oltramare, Baron Sirtema van Grovestins and Mr. Jean Pierre Cuoni. Mr. Yves Oltramare has been a member of the Investments Committee of the ILO since 1967; he was a partner in a well-known private bank, Lombard Odier and Co., Geneva, at the time of his retirement in December 1990. Baron van Grovestins, who was first appointed to the Investments Committee in 1978, retired in September 1988 as Chief General Manager of the Algemene Bank Nederland NV, Amsterdam. Mr. Jean Pierre Cuoni is the Chairman of EFG Private Bank, Zurich, and has been a member of the Investments Committee since November 1985. The three members participate in the work of the Committee on an honorary basis and are not remunerated.

3. The Director-General greatly appreciates the effective and harmonious work of the Committee and recommends that the members be reappointed for a further period of three years, expiring on 31 December 2002.

4. The Committee may wish to recommend that the Governing Body renew the appointments of Mr. Yves Oltramare, Baron Sirtema van Grovestins and Mr. Jean Pierre Cuoni as members of the Investments Committee of the International Labour Organization for a further period of three years, expiring on 31 December 2002.

Geneva, 15 October 1999.

Point for decision: Paragraph 4.

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.