ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

276th Session
Geneva, November 1999

Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee



Programme and Budget proposals for 2000-01

Addendum: Resources and activities proposed
for gender equality issues

1. As a supplement to the information contained in the Programme and Budget proposals for 2000-01, volume 3,(1)  the present paper contains more detailed forecasts of the resources proposed by the principal technical programmes for 2000-01 for the implementation of gender activities. Several members of the Governing Body have repeatedly expressed an interest in gender issues and in enhancing the visibility of such issues in the Organization's programmes.

2. The present document is intended to respond to that wish. However, the information contained in it comprises only provisional estimates and largely reflects the estimates and assessments made by the technical programme directors themselves, although an attempt has been made to standardize the calculation methods used. Provisional data obtained from the principal sources of extra-budgetary finance have been taken into account when considering technical cooperation resources. The data contained in this report are thus no more than estimates of likely expenditure on gender activities proposed for the technical programmes, either under the regular budget or under technical cooperation for 2000-01.

3. Lastly, it should be noted that the present document reflects the budget decisions already taken by the Governing Body in March of this year and those taken by the Conference in June 1999 when it approved the Programme and Budget for 2000-01.

I. Regular budget resources allocated to gender issues

4. The table below shows that about US$12.3 million (in constant 1998-99 US dollars) from the regular budget will be directly allocated by technical departments in 2000-01 to gender issues and activities. That sum represents the planned expenditure for Professional staff, costs relating to the implementation of programmes such as technical missions, seminars and meetings, and research and development costs. It does not include other general operational and management costs, since the aim is not to show the costs of gender activities, but rather, to illustrate the scale of the resources devoted to them.

5. The resources proposed for these activities represent 8 per cent of the technical programme financial envelope in 2000-01. Although the methods used to calculate these estimates for the present biennium and the preceding one differ slightly, the comparison between the two biennia is still meaningful. In 1998-99, the regular budget resources allocated by the technical departments to gender activities amounted to US$4.8 million, which represents just under 40 per cent of proposed expenditure for the 2000-01 biennium in constant US dollars.

Professional staff resources working on gender issues
by technical programme in the 2000-01 Strategic Budget

Full-time staff
(work-years/ months)

Estimated part-time staff
(work-years/ months)

Other costs

Total costs

Standards, fundamental principles and rights

IFP -- Declaration




148 332

IFP -- Child labour



148 332

444 996

International Labour Standards Department



135 000

1 259 851





283 332

1 853 179



Employment strategy




1 161 934

Recovery and reconstruction



187 000

743 245

IFP -- Job creation and enterprise development



153 000

1 339 656

IFP -- Skills, knowledge and employability



223 000

841 050

Gender Promotion Unit



431 824

1 321 816





994 824

5 407 701


Social protection

IFP -- Socio-economic security




222 498

Social Security Department




185 415

Conditions of work



170 000

961 104

IFP -- SafeWork



100 000

693 328

International migration




111 249





270 000

2 173 594


Social dialogue

IFP -- Social dialogue




37 083

Workers' activities



25 000

321 664

Employers' activities



27 000

200 054

Sectoral activities




148 332

Government, labour law and administration




24 722





52 000

731 855


Bureau of gender equality



916 644

2 103 300





2 516 800

12 269 629

6. With regard to working methods, it will be noted that each of the four technical sectors has a special unit for gender activities, either in the form of a permanent working group or a focal point. As indicated in paragraphs 11 and 12 of the principal document GB.276/PFA/9, volume 3, there will be over the coming months a number of internal resource adjustments to allow the common services in each sector to have a full-time gender specialist who will be responsible among other things for ensuring that these activities are effective and properly coordinated within the sector and with other sectors. A significant proportion of the work time of the technical staff in the four major strategic programmes will be devoted to gender activities linked to the operational objectives for 2000-01. For the technical programmes as a whole, the number of specialists who will be working full time or part time on the implementation of gender activities at headquarters will represent more than 67 Professional staff work-years. In addition, the different regions have full-time gender specialists. A total of six will be provided under the regional programme budgets for 2000-01. These specialists will be attached to the multidisciplinary teams and will work in close cooperation with the technical programmes at headquarters, and will mediate and support their field activities.

II. Extra-budgetary resources

7. Estimates for the extra-budgetary resources dedicated to gender activities are less reliable than is the case with regular budget resources, since a number of technical cooperation projects have not yet been formulated and their gender components have not yet been determined. Furthermore, the wishes of donors are not yet known. Nevertheless, by extrapolating the trend observed over previous years and taking into account the strategic objectives adopted for 2000-01, it is estimated that of the total estimated expenditure for the Office in 2000-01 of US$215 million, about 10-12 per cent of the extra-budgetary resources will be allocated to gender activities, corresponding to expenditure of the order of US$23 million for the biennium.

8. That figure is reasonable given that the 22 or so new technical cooperation projects with gender objectives or with a strong gender component which are being submitted or have already been submitted to multi-bilateral sources account for nearly US$25 million (see table in the appendix) for the Office as a whole, including the regional programmes.

9. Three-quarters of the projects submitted to extra-budgetary sources concern the employment sector. However, there is increasing interest on the part of donors in gender activities in the areas of social dialogue and social protection. Combating child labour and especially the exploitation of girls will benefit from enhanced efforts to mobilize extra-budgetary resources.

10. The complementarity and synergy between the regular budget for technical cooperation (RBTC) and the extra-budgetary funds will be strengthened, with a view to promoting multi-bilateral finance for gender programmes and correcting imbalances between technical sectors. RBTC expenditure for gender-related technical cooperation projects in 2000-01 is very likely to exceed by 8-10 per cent the US$4.5 million allocated to those projects in 1998-99, accounting for 18 per cent of RBTC credits for that period.

III. Key activities

11. The priority given to gender issues in the implementation of the Organization's strategic objectives and the greater resources allocated to them in the proposed budget for 2000-01 are clearly reflected in all the programme proposals. Gender issues by their very nature concern activities which cut across department and sectoral boundaries. Nevertheless, given the strategic nature of the present budget, the gender programmes that have been proposed focus on employment issues and the ILO's fundamental standards and principles. Other aspects of equality between men and women are obviously addressed under the strategic and operational objectives relating to social protection and social dialogue.

12. The Programme and Budget proposals for 2000-01 (volume 3) include some detailed information in this area, in particular in the descriptions of the InFocus programmes. The present paper presents some additional examples of gender activities and components of the programmes proposed for 2000-01. The list which follows is obviously not exhaustive.

1. Standards, fundamental principles and rights at work

2. Employment

3. Social protection

4. Social dialogue

IV. Conclusion

13. This paper shows that gender issues occupy a significant place among the strategic programmes. They are systematically incorporated into the design and implementation of programmes, including in the area of technical cooperation. This paper also shows that the resources dedicated to these issues in the technical sectors have grown by 156 per cent by comparison with the 1998-99 biennium.

Geneva, 9 November 1999.


Multi-bilateral projects submitted to donors concerning gender issues

Project code

Project title

Technical unit

Budget (US$)


Plan of Action for Promoting Equal Pay and Gender Equality in the Republic of Croatia


444 090


Improving Working Conditions in the Haitian Assembly Sector


1 000 000


War-affected Women and Youth in Countries Emerging out of Conflict


326 288


Effective Legislation, Policies and Practices for Sustainable Promotion of Gender Equality


854 563


Effective Policies and Practices for the Sustainable Promotion of Gender Equality


882 756


Promoting Social Protection for Poor Women in the Informal Sector


425 276


Mindanao Livelihood and Social Enterprise Development Project


904 158


Gender and Industrial Relations Training Programme


547 356


Gender Equality in Cooperatives


250 000


Reducing Labour Exploitation of Children and Women: Combating Trafficking in the Greater Mekong Subregion


4 672 000


Tanzania Plan of Action on More and Better Jobs for Women


3 089 923





13 396 410

Multi-bilateral projects awaiting submission to donors

Project title

Technical unit

Budget (US$)

CITU-ILO Project for Education of Women Trade Unionists



Peace and Reconciliation through Training and Employment Promotion


500 000

Employment Promotion and Skill Training for Women through Strengthening of Technical Training Centres


1 636 000

Introduction of the Start Your Business Training Programme for Potential Rural Women Entrepreneurs in the Handicraft Sector in Baalbeck


242 500

Empowerment of Women through Self-Employment and Small Enterprise Development


2 400 000

Employment Promotion and Entrepreneurship Development for Sustainable Livelihood of Rural Women


2 700 000

Strengthening the National Machinery for the Advancement of Women's Employment


375 000

The Establishment and Support of Businesswomen's Associations/Units in Chambers of Commerce in Selected Arab Countries


206 000

Support to Women Entrepreneurs in the Formal Private Sector


547 299

Development of a Social Security Protection System for Palestinian Workers and their Families


989 994

Plan of Action on More and Better Jobs for Women in Burkina Faso


1 650 561




11 247 354

1. Document GB.276/PFA/9.

Updated by VC. Approved by NdW. Last update: 26 January 2000.