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Governing Body 

275th Session
Geneva, June 1999

Record of Decisions

This document is a preliminary working paper for the use of the Governing Body and officials of the Office. It records only the Governing Body's decisions, and not the circumstances of their adoption, except where they were the result of a formal vote. The comments or reservations by individual members or groups subject to which the decisions were made will be found in the minutes of the session.

Where an Office publication or paper refers to a Governing Body decision, the source given should be the relevant Governing Body document and minutes, and not this Record of Decisions.

The Record of Decisions is arranged in the order of the items on the Governing Body's agenda. All decisions relating to a particular paper or section of a paper are grouped together. After the decision the sitting at which it was taken is indicated in brackets together with the basis on which it was taken, including appropriate references to Governing Body papers. The decisions are reproduced in full, with the exception of those relating to reports of the Committee on Freedom of Association, where a simple reference is made to the paragraphs of the report which form the basis of the decision.

The table of contents is in the form of a detailed agenda showing for each item the number of the relevant Governing Body paper and that of the relevant paragraph in the Record of Decisions.

Table of contents

Item on the agenda




Election of the Officers of the Governing Body for 1999-2000




Appointment of Governing Body committees and various bodies




Questions arising out of the 87th Session (1999) of the International Labour Conference




Reports of the Committee on Freedom of Association




Report of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee




Report of the Officers of the Subcommittee on Multinational Enterprises




Report of the Director-General

First Supplementary Report: Obituary -- Alfonso Sánchez Madariaga; Fernando Yllanes Ramos



Second Supplementary Report: Memorandum of Understanding with the Pan-American Health Organization



Third Supplementary Report: Report of the Committee set up to examine the representation alleging non-observance by Hungary of the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 No. 122) and the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the National Federation of Workers' Councils (NFWC)




Reports of the Officers of the Governing Body

First report: Extension of the mandate of Mr. Rood as Chairperson of the Committee on Freedom of Association



Second report: Discontinuation of the procedure initiated by the Governing Body in accordance with article 26(4) of the ILO Constitution concerning the observance by Nigeria of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98)



Third Report: Representation alleging non-observance by New Zealand of the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29) made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the New Zealand Trade Union Federation




Composition and agenda of standing bodies and meetings

and Add.1

Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations


Symposium on the Social and Labour Consequences of Technological Developments, Deregulation and Privatization of Transport (Geneva, 20-24 September 1999)


Meeting of Experts on Labour Inspection and Child Labour (Geneva, 27 September-1 October 1999)


International Symposium on Trade Unions and the Informal Sector (Geneva, 18-22 October 1999)


Tripartite Meeting on the Human Resources Implications of Globalization and Restructuring in Commerce (Geneva, 25-29 October 1999)


International Consultation concerning Follow-up on the World Summit for Social Development (Geneva, 2-4 November 1999)


Tripartite Meeting on Safety and Health in the Fishing Industry (Geneva, 13-17 December 1999)


Meeting of Experts on Safety in the Use of Insulation Wools (Geneva, 17-26 January 2000)


Meeting of Experts on Workers in Situations Needing Protection (Geneva, May 2000)


Appointment of Governing Body representatives






Matters on which the Officers of the Governing Body took decisions on its behalf:

Programme of meetings for the remainder of 1999 and 2000



Symposia, seminars and similar meetings



First item on the agenda

Election of the Officers of the Governing Body
for 1999-2000

1. The Governing Body elected its Officers as follows:


Mr. J.-J. Elmiger (Switzerland)

Employer Vice-Chairman:

Mr. R. Thüsing (Germany)

Worker Vice-Chairman:

Mr. W. Brett (United Kingdom).

(First sitting; GB.275/1)


* * *

Second item on the agenda

Appointment of Governing Body committees and various bodies

2. The Governing Body --

(a) appointed the members of its standing committees and other bodies for the 1999-2002 period;

(b) reconstituted the Subcommittee on Multinational Enterprises and the Working Party on Policy regarding the Revision of Standards of the Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards;

(c) reconvened the Working Party on the Social Dimensions of the Liberalization of International Trade for a further meeting in November 1999, when the Governing Body would decide if it should meet thereafter.

(First sitting; GB.275/2, para. 11)

* * *

Third item on the agenda

Questions arising out of the 87th Session
of the International Labour Conference

3. The Governing Body took note of statements by the Chairperson, Mr. Bahadian (Government, Brazil), Mr. Thüsing, Mr. Brett and the Director-General. (Third sitting)

* * *

Fourth item on the agenda

Reports of the Committee on Freedom of Association

316th report

4. The Governing Body took note of the introduction to the report. (Third sitting; GB.275/4/1, paras. 1-87).

5. The Governing Body adopted the recommendations in paragraphs 101 (Case No. 1939: Argentina); 129 (Case No. 1949: Bahrain); 150 (Case No. 1992: Brazil); 162 (Case No. 1997: Brazil); 195 (Case No. 1989: Bulgaria); 213 (Case No. 1934: Cambodia); 228 (Case No. 1951: Canada (Ontario)); 274 (Case No. 1975: Canada (Ontario)); 326 (Case No. 1985: Canada); 340 (Case No. 2002: Chile); 378 (Case No. 1930: China); 390 (Case No. 1988: Comoros); 447 (Case No. 1984: Costa Rica); 464 (Case No. 2010: Ecuador); 504 (Case No. 1888: Ethiopia); 532 (Case No. 1960: Guatemala); 569 (Case No. 1970: Guatemala); 617 (Case No. 1773: Indonesia); 641 (Case No. 2000: Morocco); 669 (Case No. 1996: Uganda); 680 (Case No. 1979: Peru); and 709 (Case No. 1972: Poland) of the report. (Second sitting; GB.275/4/1)

317th report:
Case No. 1971 (Denmark)

6. The Governing Body --

(a) requested the Government to review section 12 of the Conciliation Act as indicated in its conclusions, in consultation with the social partners, so as to ensure that the view of the majority of workers in a given sector is not subordinated to the view of the majority of the entire labour market as concerns the possibility of continuing free collective bargaining of terms and conditions of employment and as concerns the possibility of undertaking industrial action.

(b) considering that the 1998 Act renewing certain collective agreements involved statutory intervention in the collective bargaining process contrary to the principles of free collective bargaining and the right of workers' and employers' organizations to organize their activities and to formulate their programmes, the Governing Body urged the Government to ensure that such intervention is not repeated in the future.

(c) drew the legal aspects of this case to the attention of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations.

(Third sitting; GB.275/4/2, para. 61)

* * *

Fifth item on the agenda

Report of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee

7. The Governing Body took note that the Director-General did not consider it possible to make a positive recommendation to establish an ILO crèche, and that consultations would be undertaken to explore the possibility of alternative approaches and developments reported to the Committee in November 1999.

(Third sitting; oral report by the Chairperson)

* * *

Sixth item on the agenda

Report of the Officers of the Subcommittee
on Multinational Enterprises

8. The Governing Body approved the questionnaire appended to the report, and decided that it should be dispatched in July-August 1999 and that governments and employers' and workers' organizations should be requested to communicate their replies to the ILO by 29 February 2000 in accordance with the deadline indicated in the questionnaire. (Third sitting; GB.275/6 para. 6)

* * *

Seventh item on the agenda

Report of the Director-General

First Supplementary Report:

9. The Governing Body requested the Director-General to convey its sympathy --

(a) to the family of Alfonso Sánchez Madariaga and to the Mexican Confederation of Workers;

(b) to the family of Fernando Yllanes Ramos, the International Organization of Employers and the Mexican Organization of Employers.

(Third sitting; GB.275/7/1, paras. 6 and 12)

Second Supplementary Report:
Memorandum of Understanding between the
International Labour Organization (ILO) and the
Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO)

10. The Governing Body approved the text of the Memorandum of Understanding appended to the report and authorized the Director-General or his representative to sign it on behalf of the ILO. (Third sitting; GB.275/7/2, para. 7)

Third Supplementary Report:
Report of the Committee set up to examine the representation
alleging non-observance by Hungary of the Employment
Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), and the Discrimination
(Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111),
made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by
the National Federation of Workers' Councils (NFWC)

11. The Governing Body approved the report and declared closed the procedure initiated . (Second (private) sitting; GB.275/7/3, para. 45)

* * *

Eighth item on the agenda

Reports of the Officers of the Governing Body

First report:
Extension of the mandate of Mr. Rood
as Chairperson of the Committee on Freedom of Association

12. The Governing Body extended the mandate of Professor Rood as Chairperson of the Committee on Freedom of Association until the expiry of the term of office of the current Governing Body. (Third sitting; GB.275/8/1, para. 7)

Second report:
Discontinuation of the procedure initiated by the Governing Body in
accordance with article 26(4) of the ILO Constitution concerning the
observance by Nigeria of the Freedom of Association and Protection
of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Right
to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98)

13. The Governing Body decided --

(a) in view of the substantial progress noted by the supervisory bodies, to discontinue the procedure that it initiated, under article 26(4) of the Constitution, for the consideration by a Commission of Inquiry of the question of the effective observance by Nigeria of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98);

(b) requested the Government of Nigeria to inform the Committee on Freedom of Association of developments in respect of outstanding issues in Cases Nos. 1793 and 1935.

(Third sitting; GB.275/8/2, para. 6)

Third report:
Representation alleging non-observance by New Zealand
of the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29)
made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution
by the New Zealand Trade Union Federation

14. The Governing Body decided that the representation was receivable, and appointed a committee to examine it. (Second (private) sitting; GB.275/8/3, para. 6 and proposals by the groups)


Ninth item on the agenda

Composition and agenda of standing bodies and meetings

Committee of Experts on the Application of
Conventions and Recommendations

Renewal of appointments

15. The Governing Body renewed the appointments of the following members of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations for a period of three years:

(Third sitting; GB.275/9, para. 1)

Symposium on the Social and Labour Consequences of
Technological Developments, Deregulation
and Privatization of Transport
(Geneva, 20-24 September 1999)

16. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultations
with the Employers' group

Mr. C. Echezerreta (Argentina), Vicepresidente, Comisión Asuntos Laborales, Cámara Argentina de Comercio;

Mr. W. Sashegyi (Australia), Manager, Industry and Resources, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia (CCIWA);

Mr. X.G. Díaz Torres (Bolivia), Gerente General, Cámara Departamental de Transporte de la Paz;

Mr. K. Rusev (Bulgaria), Chairman, Bulgarian National Chamber of Transport;

Mr. A. Shields (Canada), Vice-President, Human Resources and Industrial Relations, Canadian Pacific Railway;

Mr. A. Rouvillain (Denmark), Head of Department, Federation of Employers for Trade, Transportation and Services;

Mr. A.B. El Sebai Mohamed (Egypt), Technical Affairs Director, Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEO), Program Management Unit (PMU);

Mr. R.A. Jímenez Aguilera (El Salvador), Director Ejecutivo, Asociación Nacional de la Empresa Privada (ANEP);

Mr. A. Al Romaithy (United Arab Emirates), HRD Consultant, Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

Mr. J.L. Pertierra Rodríguez (Spain), Director, Federación Nacional Empresarial de Transporte en Autobuses (FENEBUS);

Ms. A. Isaac (United States), Staff Vice-President, Labor Relations, Sea-Land Service Inc.;

Ms. A. Sajavaara (Finland), Legal Adviser, Employers' Association for Transport and Special Services;

Capt. P. Sumarto (Indonesia), General Manager, PT Multikreasi Senalaut Services;

Mr. E. Nyamunga (Kenya), Managing Director, Kenya Railways (KR);

Mr. S. Taran (Republic of Moldova), General Executive Manager, Transport Union;

Mr. D. Jantsan (Mongolia), Vice-President, Mongolian Employers' Federation (MEF);

Mr. T. Arnold (New Zealand), Air New Zealand;

Ms. R.N. Gidongo (Uganda), Manager, Personnel and Training, Civil Aviation Authority;

Mr. S. Wanisubut (Thailand), Executive Advisor on Infrastructure Planning, Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB);

Ms. D.-A. Beckles-Lamont (Trinidad and Tobago), Corporate Secretary, Public Transport Service Corporation;

Mr. A. M'Kaïssi (Tunisia), Conseiller, Relations du travail et affaires sociales, Union tunisienne de l'industrie, du commerce et de l'artisanat (UTICA);

Mr. F. Goray (Ukraine), General Director, Kiev Municipal Association of Motor Transport Enterprises;

Mr. N.H. Luraschi Pizarro (Uruguay), Secretario Ejecutivo, Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Transporte Carretero por Autobús.

Nominations made after consultations
with the Workers' group

Mr. E. Bilayon (Malaysia), BKNM

Mr. T. Douine (France), Fédération générale CFTC des transports;

Mr. B. Munboth (Mauritius), Airport Management Services Ltd. Employees' Union (AMSLEU)

Mr. A. Weiss (Germany), DBG

Meeting of Experts on Labour Inspection
and Child Labour
(Geneva, 27 September-1 October 1999)

17. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultations with Governments

Mr. J.G. Tobar Anouch (Argentina), Director del Servicio Federal de Inspección;

Mr. Dalil Uddin Mondal (Bangladesh), Joint Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Employment;

Ms. R.R. Catarino (Brazil), Fiscal do Trabalho, Ministério do Trabalho;

Mr. Mukan Traore (Burkina Faso), Inspecteur du travail, Ministère de l'Emploi, du Travail et de la Sécurité sociale;

Mr. Neil Joseph Gavigan (Canada), Director, Labour Standards and Work Place Equity, Human Resources Development;

Mr. Li Wang (China), Lawyer, Ministry of Labour and Social Security;

Dr. Mauricio Calderon Saenz (Colombia), Lawyer, Secretario General, Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social;

Mr. A.E.K. El Aaser (Egypt), Ministry's Consultant for TC, Ministry of Manpower and Migration;

Ms. N.L. El Gassar (Egypt), Director-General of International Labour Relations Department, Minstry of Manpower and Migration;

Mr. Walter Weise (Germany), Senatsrat, Senatsverwaltung für Gesundheit und Sociales des Landes Berlin;

Ms. Z.C. Lopez de la Rosa de González (Guatemala), Viceministra de Trabajo y Previsión Social, Ministerio de Trabajo y Previsión Social;

Dr. András Békés (Hungary), Director-General, Hungarian Labour Inspectorate (OMMF);

Ms. Etaf Halassah (Jordan), Head, Women and Child Workers Section, Ministry of Labour;

Mr. H.F.N. Mwadime (Kenya), Labour Commissioner, Ministry of Labour;

Ms. Sâadia Fahem (Morocco), chef du Service des relations professionnelles, ministre du Développement social, de la Solidarité, de l'Emploi et de la Formation professionnelle;

Mr. Yousaf Kamal (Pakistan), Secretary, Labour and Manpower Department, Government of the Punjab, Ministry of Labour, Manpower and Overseas Pakistanis;

Mr. Bernardino Julve (Philippines), Assistant Secretary for Regional Operations, Department of Labour and Employment;

Mr. I. Mota da Silva (Portugal), Inspector-Geral do Trabalho, IDICT;

Mr. Nolla Fernandez (Spain), Inspector de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales;

Mr. Festo B. Muzee Bajulizi (United Republic of Tanzania), IPEC Project Manager, Ministry of Labour and Youth Development;

Ms. Meryem Olcay Aydin (Turkey), Labour Inspector, Board of Labour Inspectors, Ministry of Labour and Social Security;

Mr. Jeremy Hodson (United Kingdom), H&S Inspector, Health and Safety Executive;

Ms. Corlis Sellers (United States), Regional Administrator for North-East, Wage and Human Resource Division, Employment Standards Administration, Department of Labor.

Nominations made after consultations
with the Employers' group

Mr. J. Kleynhans (South Africa), Chief Director, South African Agricultural Union;

Mr. M.A. Gastelú Zaconeta (Bolivia), Director, Servicios Institucionales, Confederación de Empresarios Privados de Bolivia (CEPB);

Mr. A. Echavarría Saldarriaga (Colombia), Vicepresidente de Asuntos Jurídicos y Sociales, Asociación Nacional de Industriales (ANDI);

Mr. H. Preti (Guatemala), Presidente, Induagro S.A.;

Dr. N. Hamsa (India), Additional Secretary FICCI and Director FICCI SEDF, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FCCI);

Mr. W. Dambuleni (Malawi), Executive Director, Employers' Consultative Association of Malawi (ECAM);

Mr. S. Sivagnanam (Malaysia), Senior Consultant, Industrial Relations, Malaysian Employers' Federation (MEF);

Mr. M. Jalal (Morocco), Directeur, Ressources humaines, Société Tissir-Primagaz;

Mr. A. Majyd (Pakistan), Chairman, Site Association of Industry;

Ms. M. Senghor (Senegal), inspecteur du travail et de la sécurité sociale, Conseil national du patronat du Sénégal (CNP);

Mr. Y. Prapanpun (Thailand), Associate Professor, Economics Department, Ramkhamhaeng University.

Nominations made after consultations
with the Workers' group

Mr. E. Hector Buscemi (Argentina), UPCN

Mr. T. Coban (Turkey), DISK

Mr. S.M.I. Doger (Pakistan), APFOL

Mr. L. Gonzaga de Araujo (Brazil), CUT

Ms. A. Hajoubi (Morocco), UMT

Ms. B. Normann (Sweden), ST

Mr. A. Lodwick (Sri Lanka), NWC

Ms. M. Luz Triana (Colombia), CGTD

Mr. E. Shivachi (Kenya), COTU

Mr. S. Steyne (United Kingdom), TUC

Ms. P. Wright (Canada), PSAC.

International Symposium on Trade Unions and the Informal Sector
(Geneva, 18-22 October 1999)

18. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultations
with the Workers' group

Mr. H.A. Abu Anqour (Jordan), GFJTU

Mr. K. Adu-Amankwah (Ghana), TUC

Mr. R. Aguilar Arce (Costa Rica), CTRN

Ms. B. Angeloni (Italy), CISL

Mr. Y. Assane Diori (Niger), USTN

Ms. C. Assiba Akakpo (Togo), CSTT

Ms. J. Auma Logo (Kenya), COTU

Mr. O. Clavijo (Colombia), CGTD

Ms. A. Dagg (Canada), CLC

Mr. G. Gershon (Israel), Histadrut

Mr. N. Ghosh (India), INTUC

Ms. E. Hanti (Hungary), MSZOSZ

Mr. C.A. Hernández (El Salvador), CTD

Mr. L. Ionescu (Romania), CNS Carta Alfa

Mr. G.M. Kashmiri (Pakistan), APFTU

Ms. M. Marone née Sow Awa (Senegal), CNTS

Mr. J. Mendoza (Spain), UGT

Mr. T. Naivaluwaga (Fiji), FTUC

Mr. I. Nossar (Australia), ACTU

Mr. E. Patel (South Africa), COSATU

Mr. F.C. Pegado do Nascimento (Brazil), CGT

Mr. M.M. Pingu (Tanzania), TFFTU

Mr. V. Samek (Czech Republic), CMK-OS

Mr. H. Sandrasekara (Sri Lanka), CWC

Mr. S. Santhanasamy (Malaysia), MTUC

Mr. B. Sanyoto (Indonesia), SBSI

Ms. A.L. Sepúlveda (Chile), CUT

Mr. O.A. Silva (Argentina), CGT

Dr. K. Trentchev (Bulgaria), Podkrepa

Mr. S. Zalmaa (Mongolia), CMTU

Tripartite Meeting on the Human Resource Implications
of Globalization and Restructuring in Commerce
(Geneva, 25-29 October 1999)

19. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultations
with the Employers' group

Mr. P. Sack (South Africa), Industrial Relations Manager, Old Mutual Group, Industrial Relations Department;

Mr. R. Weitz (Germany), Director, Head of Department of Economics, Hauptverband des Deutschen Einzelhandels (HDE) (Federation of German Retail Trade);

Mr. S. Bedard (Canada), Director of Industrial Relations, Bell Canada;

Mr. J.M. Melero Abaroa (Chile), Secretario General, Cámara Nacional de Comercio, Servicios y Turismo;

Mr. M.K. Antoniou (Cyprus), MR -- Industrial Relations and Labour Legislation Officer, Cyprus Employers' and Industrialists' Federation (OEB);

Mr. S.B. Henriksen (Denmark), Managing Director, Dansk Handel and Service;

Mr. R.F. León Paz (Ecuador), Gerente General, Tejidos Pintex S.A.;

Mr. R. Potti Robles (Spain), Director de Relaciones Laborales, El Corte Inglés S.A.;

Ms. V. McCoy (Fiji), Human Resources Consultant;

Ms. M.-C. Dardayrol (France), secrétaire général, Conseil national du commerce;

Mr. S.S. Patil (India), Secretary-General, Employers' Federation of India;

Mr. R.D. Gordon (Jamaica), Director of Personnel and Administration, Tourism Product Development Company Ltd.;

Mr. A.S. Al Awadi (Kuwait), Member of the Board of Directors, Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

Mr. I. Strautinsh (Lithuania), President of the Board, Latvian Central Cooperation Union "Turiba";

Mr. L. Camara (Mali), Directeur administratif, PRODIMAL S.A.;

Mr. D. Bundhoo (Mauritius), Executive Director, Corporate Affairs of The Rogers Group of Companies;

Ms. A. Walker (New Zealand), Consultant, Employers' and Manufacturers' Association (Central);

Mr. I.A. Zanetti Peinado (Peru), Asesor Legal, Cámara de Comercio de Lima;

Mr. F. Palileo (Philippines), Vice-President and General Manager, Prime Manpower Resources Development Inc.;

Mr. J. Marcus (Sweden), General Manager, Swedish Federation of Trade;

Mr. A. Kokodoko (Togo), Directeur général adjoint, S3G;

Mr. S. Acar (Turkey), General Manager, Cukurova Kimva Endüstrisi A.S.;

Mr. V. Khmelyovsky (Ukraine), President, Association of the Employers of Trade and Commercial Orb of Economics of Ukraine;

Mr. A. Bertolotti (Uruguay), Ex-Presidente, Cámara Nacional de Comercio y Servicios del Uruguay;

Ms. L. Maunga (Zambia), Personnel Manager, Total Zambia Limited.

Nominations made after consultations
with the Workers' group

Ms. S. Santomingo (Argentina), FAECYS;

Mr. R. Romano (Brazil), SEPROSCOS;

Mr. A. Leiner (Czech Republic), OSPO;

Ms. J. Veselé (Czech Republic), Interpreter, OSPO;

Mr. S. Lykkebo (Denmark), HK/Handel;

Mr. F.Y. Toma (Egypt), GTUCW;

Mr. T. Dedieu (France), FdS-CFDT;

Ms. H. Buls (Germany), DAG;

Mr. N.D.K. Kpoh (Ghana), ICU;

Ms. A. Franceschini (Italy), FILCAMS;

Mr. Y. Oga (Japan), JUC;

Ms. J. Choi (Republic of Korea), KFCWU;

Ms. F. Cissoko (Mali), SYNCAB;

Mr. A. Matzla (Poland), NSZZ Solidarnosc;

Ms. A. Pinheiro (Portugal), SITESE;

Ms. T. Krylova (Russian Federation), RCWTU;

Ms. A. Rantsolase (South Africa), SACCAWU;

Mr. C. Beer (Switzerland), ActionsUnia;

Mr. Y. Ozkok (Turkey), TZ-KOOP-IŠ;

Mr. J. Hannett (United Kingdom), USDAW;

Mr. A.W. Spaulding (United States and Canada), UFCW;

Ms. A.M. Phiri (Zambia), NUCIM;

Ms. E.I. Montenegro (Panama), Secretaría General de SINTRAMOFEN, Confederación General de Trabajadores;

Ms. J.C. Razanarimana (Madagascar), Secrétaire générale, Fédération chrétienne des employés du service du secteur privé, SEKRIMA;

Mr. M. Alondo (Cameroon), Président, Fédération des syndicats de commerce du Cameroun, FELSEC, Union des syndicats libres du Cameroun;

Mr. A.-S. Alassane (Togo), Secrétaire général adjoint de la Fédération des employés et techniciens du Togo, FENET, CSTT.

International Consultation concerning Follow-up
on the World Summit for Social Development
(Geneva, 2-4 November 1999)

20. The Governing Body approved the following list of countries whose governments would be invited to nominate participants:


Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe;


Barbados, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, Mexico, Peru, United States;


Bangladesh, China, India, Nepal, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Thailand;


Bulgaria, Denmark, Hungary, Ireland, Netherlands, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Ukraine, United Kingdom.

21. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultations
with the Employers' group

Mr. A. Barthel (Germany), Head of Department, "Economy, Fiscal Policy Taxation", Confederation of German Employers' Associations (BDA);

Mr. E. Mantilla (Argentina), Vicepresidente, Comisión Política Laboral, Unión Industrial Argentina (UIA);

Mr. A. Dangerfield (Australia), Acting Chief Executive Officer, South Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

Mr. B.P. Kabore (Burkina Faso), secrétaire exécutif, Conseil national du patronat burkinabé (CNPB);

Mr. P. Lizana Greve (Chile), Presidente, Comisión Laboral, Confederación de la Producción y del Comercio (CPC);

Mr. A. Katz (United States), Honorary President, United States Council for International Business (USCIB);

Mr. P. Castrén (Finland), Advisor, Employment and Labour Policy, Confederation of Finnish Industry and Employers (TT);

Mr. A. Doshi (India), Executive Chairman, Premier Auto Electric Limited;

Mr. H. Yano (Japan), Director, International Division, Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (NIKKEIREN);

Mr. G.N. Konditi (Kenya), Deputy Executive Director, Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE);

Mr. D.M. Zain Majid (Malaysia), Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer, Malaysian Employers' Federation (MEF);

Mr. L.F. Neumann Iturri (Peru), Gerente General, Confederación Nacional de Instituciones Empresariales Privadas (CONFIEP);

Mr. K. Zajc (Poland), Vice-President, Confederation of Polish Employers (KPP);

Mr. F. Amerasinghe (Sri Lanka), Director-General, Employers' Federation of Ceylon;

Mr. M.A. Meyer (Suriname), President, Suriname Trade and Industry Association (STIA).

Nominations made after consultations
with the Workers' group

Mr. P. Adeyemi (Nigeria), NLC

Mr. Pong-Sul Ahn (Republic of Korea), FKTU

Ms. L. Batut (France), FO

Mr. V. Beran (Czech Republic), CM-KOS

Ms. M. Dwyer (United Kingdom), Policy Officer, TUC

Ms. E. Gibson (Barbados), Barbados Workers' Union

Mr. A. Jackson (Canada), CLC

Ms. E. Koffi (Côte d'Ivoire), Dignité

Mr. D. Lokossou (Benin), CSA

Mr. R. Mushininga (Zimbabwe), ZCTU

Mr. E. Nielsen (Denmark), LO

Mr. S.M. Raghavaiah (India), INTUC

Mr. G. Rajasekaran (Malaysia), MTUC

Mr. M. Tanaka (Japan), RENGO

Mr. J. Zellhoefer (United States), AFL-CIO

Tripartite Meeting on Safety and Health
in the Fishing Industry
(Geneva, 13-17 December 1999)

22. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultations
with the Employers' group

Mr. P.D. Barber Soler (Argentina), Asesor Legal, Cámara de Armadores Pesqueros Congeladores de la Argentina;

Mr. R.A. Hernández Rivas (El Salvador), Asesor Técnico, Cámara Salvadoreña de Pesca y Acuacultura (CAMPAC);

Mr. L.F. Marín Andrés (Spain), Asesor Jurídico, Organización de Productores de Pesca de Altura de Ondabroa (OPPAO);

Ms. M.-C. Hervouet (France), chargée de mission aux affaires Sociales, Union des armateurs à la pêche de France (UAPF);

Mr. F.M. Addai (Ghana), Fleet/Superintendent Engineer, TTV Ltd.;

Mr. Djimanto (Indonesia), Vice-President, The Employers' Association of Indonesia (APINDO);

Mr. J.H. Magnusson (Iceland), Attorney at Law, The Confederation of Icelandic Employers;

Mr. T. Misaitsu (Japan), Manager, Marine Affairs Section, Fishery Administration Division, Japan Fisheries Association;

Mr. K.C. Tian (Malaysia), Group Executive Director, Hunza Consolidation Bhd.;

Mr. M. Benjelloun (Morocco), président, Fédération des Industries de la mer, administrateur-délégué, MERSAL PESCA;

Mr. S.O. Abeid (Mauritania), président, section des artisans de la pêche, Fédération nationale de pêche (FNP);

Dr. A. Segura Espinoza (Nicaragua), Abogado y Empresario Pesquero, Cámara de la Pesca de Nicaragua;

Ms. A.-T. Benonisen (Norway), Adviser, Health-Safety-Environment, National Federation of Fish and Aquaculture Industries;

Ms. S. Burness (New Zealand), Occupational Health and Safety Consultant, Employers and Manufacturers Association (Central) Inc.;

Mr. A.H. Khan (Pakistan), Labour Officer, Fishermen's Cooperative Society Ltd.;

Mr. R. Díaz González (Peru), Gerente general, Sociedad Nacional de Pesquería;

Mr. W.S. Tjitrotaroeno (Suriname), Chief Quality Control, Surinam American Industries Ltd., c/o Suriname Trade and Industry Association;

Mr. N. Shatalov (Ukraine), Administrative President, JSCO "Kerch fish processing factory".

Invitation of non-governmental international organizations

23. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fishworkers and the International Coalition of Fisheries Associations (ICFA) to the meeting. Third sitting; announcement by the Clerk of the Governing Body)

Meeting of Experts on Safety in the
Use of Insulation Wools
(Geneva, 17-26 January 2000)

24. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultations
with the Employers' group

Dr. U. Draeger (Germany), Head of the Industrial Medicine Department, Deutsche Rockwool Mineralwoll-GmbH;

Dr. M. Schumm (Germany), Head of Production, Grünzweig and Hartmann AG;

Mr. K. Heribert (Australia), Executive Director, Fibreglass and Roofing Insulation Manufacturers' Association (FIRMA);

Dr. A.R. Wells, M.D. (Canada), Owens-Corning Canada;

Mr. T. Calzavera (United States), CIH, Johns Manville Corporation;

Mr. A. de Reydellet (France), ISOVER Saint-Gobain, Environnement et risques industriels, "Les Miroirs";

Mr. C. Houghton (United Kingdom), Regulatory Affairs Leader -- Europe, Owens Corning Building Products (UK) Ltd.;

Mr. M.A. Sosa (Venezuela), Presidente, Comisión de Ambiente, Federación de Cámaras y Asociaciones de Comercio y Producción de Venezuela (FEDECÁMARAS).

Nominations made after consultations
with the Workers' group

Mr. D. Bennett (Canada), National Director, Health, Safety and Environment, Canadian Labour Congress

Ms. I. Cano (Panama), Federación Nacional de Trabajadores de la Construcción y la Madera

Mr. B. Eisenbach (Germany), Industriegewerkschaft Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt

Mr. K. Jakobsen (Denmark), Blik og Rorarbejderforbundet i Danmark

Mr. T. Morale (South Africa), Construction and Allied Workers' Union

Mr. C. Northover (Australia), Forest and Forest Products Division, Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union

Mr. S. Santanasamy (Malaysia), Union of Employees in Construction Industry

Meeting of Experts on Workers in Situations Needing Protection
(Geneva, May 2000)


25. The Governing Body approved the following agenda:

1. To examine the following issues arising out of the work of the Committee on Contract Labour at the International Labour Conference in June 1998:

2. To advise the ILO on its future action to protect such workers, including the possible adoption of a Convention supplemented by a Recommendation if such adoption is, according to the normal procedures, considered necessary by the International Labour Conference.

3. To advise the ILO on other measures to be taken with a view to completing the work commenced by the Conference Committee on Contract Labour.

(Third sitting; GB.275/9, paras. 4-5)


26. The Governing Body decided that the meeting should be attended by twelve experts nominated after consultations with governments, twelve after consultations with the Employers' group, and twelve after consultations with the Workers' group of the Governing Body. (Third sitting; GB.275/9, paras. 6-7)

27. The Governing Body took note that, in order to obtain the government nominations, account being taken of the available experience and the need for geographical distribution, the Director-General intended to consult the Governments of Argentina, Cameroon, Canada, Chile, France, Germany, India, Japan, Netherlands, Philippines, South Africa and Sweden. Should any of those governments be unable to nominate a participant, the Director-General would approach the Governments of Hungary, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Republic of Korea, Senegal, Spain, United States or Venezuela. (Third sitting; GB.275/9, para. 8)

Appointment of Governing Body representatives

Symposium on the Social and Labour Consequences
of Technological Developments, Deregulation and
Privatization of Transport
(Geneva, 20-24 September 1999)

28. The Governing Body appointed Mr. Kettledas (Government, South Africa) as its representative, and noted that he would chair the meeting. (Third sitting; GB.275/9(Add.1), para. 1)

Tripartite Meeting on the Human Resource Implications
of Globalization and Restructuring in Commerce
(Geneva, 25-29 October 1999)

29. The Governing Body appointed Mr. Arbesser-Rastburg (Employer, Austria) as its representative, and noted that he would chair the meeting. (Third sitting; GB.275/9(Add.1), para. 2)

Tripartite Meeting on Safety and Health
in the Fishing Industry
(Geneva, 13-17 December 1999)

30. The Governing Body appointed Mr. Edström (Worker, Sweden) as its representative, and noted that he would chair the meeting.

* * *

Matters on which the Officers of the
Governing Body took decisions on its behalf

Programme of meetings for the remainder of 1999 and for 2000

31. The Officers of the Governing Body approved the programme of meetings for 1999-2000 (Communicated to the Governing Body in document GB.275/Inf.1)

Symposia, seminars and similar meetings

32. The Officers of the Governing Body approved proposals for a number of symposia, seminars and similar meetings. (Communicated to the Governing Body in document GB.275/Inf.2)

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