ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

92nd Session, 1-17 June 2004

Français   Español

Provisional Record

No. 1 Resolutions submitted in accordance with article 17 of the Standing Orders of the Conference
No. 2

Standing Orders questions

No. 3

Report of the Chairperson of the Governing Body to the Conference for the year 2003-04

No. 4

Reports of the Selection Committee: First report  Second report


Withdrawal of 16 international labour Recommendations  

No. 5

Composition of committees  5-A  5-B  5-C  5-D  5-E  5-F  5-G  5-H  5-J

No. 6

Reports of the Credentials Committee: 6-A  6-B  6-C  6-D

No. 7

Follow-up activities by the Office under the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work:
Freedom of association and collective bargaining, forced or compulsory labour, discrimination

No. 8

First sitting, Tuesday, 1 June 2004

No. 9

Second (special) sitting, Monday, 7 June 2004

No. 10

Third sitting, Monday, 7 June 2004

No. 11

Fourth and fifth sitting, Tuesday, 8 June 2004

No. 12

Sixth, seventh and ninth sitting, Wednesday, 9 June 2004

No. 13

Eighth (special) sitting, Wednesday, 9 June 2004

No. 14

Tenth and eleventh sitting, Thursday, 10 June 2004

No. 15

Twelfth and thirteenth sitting, Friday, 11 June 2004

No. 16

Report of the Standing Orders Committee

No. 17

Second item on the agenda: Programme and budget and other questions
Report of the Finance Committee of Government Representatives

No. 18

Report of the Resolutions Committee

No. 19

Fourteenth and fifteenth sitting, Monday 14 June 2004

No. 20

Fourth item on the agenda: Human resources development and training – Revision of the Human Resources Development Recommendation, 1975 (No. 150)
(standard setting, second discussion)
Report of the Committee on Human Resources


Text of the Recommendation concerning human resources development: education, training and lifelong learning
submitted by the Drafting Committee

No. 21

Fifth item on the agenda: Work in the fishing sector – A discussion with a view to the adoption of a comprehensive standard (a Convention supplemented by a Recommendation)
(first discussion)
Report of the Committee on the Fishing Sector

No. 22

Sixth item on the agenda: Migrant workers
(general discussion based on an integrated approach)
Report of the Committee on Migrant workers

No. 23

Sixteenth and seventeenth session, Tuesday 15 June 2004

No. 24

Third item on the agenda: Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations:
Report of the Committee on the Application of Standards 


Part I

General report


Part II

Observations and information concerning particular countries


Part III

Special sitting to examine developments concerning the question of the observance by the Government of Myanmar of the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29)

No. 25

Reply by the Director-General to the discussion of his Report

No. 26

Eighteenth and nineteenth sitting, Wednesday, 16 June 2004

No. 27

Twentieth sitting, Thursday, 17 June 2004

Last updated by SA on 21 June 2004