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World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization

« Global consultations
Arusha, Tanzania 6-7 February 2003 (Regional Dialogue)

  The two-day African Regional Dialogue brought together a number of eminent personalities including the Interim Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Mr. Amara Essy; the Director General of the ILO, Mr. Juan Somavia; the UN Under-Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for AFRICA (ECA), Mr. K. Y. Amoako; the UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN-HABITAT, Prof. Anna K. Tibaijuka; the two Co-chairs of the World Commission, President Tarja Halonen and President Benjamin W. Mkapa; the two Commissioners, Lord Bill Brett and Prof. Deepak Nayar; and the Chairman of the Mwalimu Nyerere Foundation, Dr. Salim A. Salim, as well as a broad spectrum of distinguished participants with varied backgrounds and experiences.

Co-chair of the World Commission, His Excellency Benjamin W. Mkapa, set the theme of the dialogue – “Making Globalization Work for All”. He noted that, since the Regional Dialogue is preceded by the National Dialogues held in Senegal, Uganda, South Africa and Tanzania, the purpose of this dialogue is to crystallize Africa’s collective views on how best – through collective efforts – the globalization process can be made more inclusive, with fairly shared benefits and risks.


Report of the meeting - PDF

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 Updated 14 February 2003