Philippines 12 September 2002 (National Dialogue)
The High-level National Policy Dialogue on the Social Dimension of Globalization was held in Makati on September 12, 2002. The World Commission was represented by Ms. Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, director of the Tebtebba Foundation .The 90 participants represented a broad spectrum of society. Six working groups were formed to discuss the following questions.
a. What impact has globalization had on the work and lives of women and men? Give a general assessment of the positive and negative impact of globalization, and propose policies to reduce exclusion and maximize the social and economic gains/benefits from globalization.
b. Rethinking the rules of globalization. What important values, goals and policies should be proposed as guideposts to make global trading work for all?
c. What can different organizers (business, labour, farmers, etc.), civil society groups and other organizations (including multilateral financial institutions) do to help advance or strengthen the social dimension of globalization?