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World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization


« Commissioners
Juan Somavia - Chile

Director-General of the ILO since March 1998. Mr. Somavia has served as a diplomat in the Foreign Ministry of Chile and held numerous positions at the United Nations and other inter-governmental organizations: Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations in New York (1990-1999); Representative of Chile on the UN Security Council (1996-1997); President of the UN Economic and Social Council (1998-1999 & 1993-1994); Chairman of the Preparatory Committee of the World Social Summit for Social Development, Copenhagen (1993-1995)

The Commission
How it works
The Secretariat
The Secretariat's tasks
Global consultations
Policy topics
The Social Dimension of Globalization
Press Releases

Established by the ILO
 Updated 19 December 2003