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World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization


« Commissioners
Aminata D. Traoré - Mali

Author and Director of Centre Amadou Hanyrat Ba (CAHBA), one of the organizations of theAfrican Social Forum.Dr. Traoré previously served as Minister of Culture and Tourism and has been the Regional Director of the UNDP project, PROWWESS (Promotion of the Role of Women in Water, Environmental Sanitation Services).She worked and published on development issues, including North-South relations, bilateral and multilateral cooperation, democratic, local and international, governance and globalization. She is one of the organisers of the first African Social Forum, held in Bamako in January 2002.She published two books, “L’etau” in 1999 and the “Le viol de l’imaginaire” in 2002.

The Commission
How it works
The Secretariat
The Secretariat's tasks
Global consultations
Policy topics
The Social Dimension of Globalization
Press Releases

Established by the ILO
 Updated 12 March 2003