The International Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS) Database for ASEAN
- Responsible Organisations: International Labour Organization (ILO) (International Organisation)
- ILO Regions: Asia and the Pacific
- Country(ies): Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; Indonesia; Lao People's Democratic Republic; Malaysia; Myanmar; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Viet Nam
- Thematic areas: Evidence-based policy making; Regional labour mobility
- MLFLM: 3.
The International Labour Migration Statistics (ILMS) Database for ASEAN is an initiative of ILO's Canadian Government-funded project on Tripartite Action for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers in the ASEAN Region (ASEAN TRIANGLE). It gathers all official government sources of data on the stocks and flows of migrant workers within the region, as well as on ASEAN country nationals who work abroad. The data are published as 'special collection' on ILO's central ILOSTAT Database portal. The objectives of the ILMS are threefold: to provide a definitive source of quantitative information for evidence-based policymaking on international labour migration in ASEAN; to map the existing data sources countries collect, including their quality, scope, completeness, comparability and possible weaknesses that can be filled through capacity building; and to define tabulations of relevance to international labour migration as reference-point for future data collection and reporting in ASEAN and beyond. The ILMS Database primarily gathers data from labour force surveys, population censuses, and administrative records within the region but also other types of surveys and official government estimates, where they exist. A number of the tables collected here were published in the ILMS Database for the very first time. The indicators and tables gathered were decided through extensive consultations with stakeholders in the ASEAN Secretariat and the ASEAN Member States. The project has documented the process of developing the ILMS Database and produced a guide to inform other regions on the development of a similar database. Data collected from other regions will feed into a much broader harmonised ILMS Database hosted alongside the ASEAN data on ILOSTAT. Ultimately, such a database is intended to facilitate evidence-based policymaking at the national, bilateral and international levels. Finally, based on the meta-data collected under the ILMS Database to date - as well as on the available harmonised international sources (UNDESA, World Bank, OECD...) - the project is currently compiling a detailed analytical report to highlight the main trends within the region and draw conclusions on how to improve data collection and sharing within the region in terms of going forward.