ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations

274th Session
Geneva, March 1999

Symposia, seminars and similar meetings as approved
by the Officers of the Governing Body


International labour standards and human rights

  1. Caribbean Subregional Tripartite Seminar on National Legislation and International Labour Standards
  2. Seminar for Arab States on the Ratification and Application of Core Conventions: Additional information
  3. Caribbean Subregional Tripartite Seminar on Recent Trends in Employment Equality Issues for Labour Courts and Tribunals: Additional information

Employment and human resources development

  1. Tripartite Consultative Meeting on Human Resources Development and Training for Selected Latin American Countries
  2. Regional Consultation for Arab States on Employment: Follow-up to the World Summit for Social Development
  3. Asian and Pacific Tripartite Consultative Meeting on Human Resources Development and Training: Additional information
  4. Preliminary Consultation on Home Work for Selected Countries in Latin America: Additional information

Industrial relations

  1. Central European Subregional Tripartite Seminar on the Promotion of Collective Bargaining
  2. Latin American Subregional Tripartite Seminar on New Trends in Collective Bargaining in Countries of the Southern Cone
  3. Caribbean Subregional Seminar on Industrial Courts, Industrial Tribunals and Mediation Services: Additional information
  4. Subregional Tripartite Meeting for the Countries of the West African Economic and Monetary Union on the Promotion of Social Dialogue and Tripartite Consultation: Additional information
  5. Asian Regional Seminar on Industrial Relations and Globalization: Additional information

Labour administration

  1. ARLAC Subregional Seminar on Labour Migration and Labour Standards: Additional information
  2. Caribbean Subregional Training Seminar for Trainers in Labour Administration: Additional information

Working conditions and environment

  1. ILO/SADC Southern African Subregional Tripartite Conference on Occupational Safety and Health
  2. Tripartite Seminar on Child Labour for Arab Countries: Additional information

Sectoral activities

  1. ILO/PSI Central Asia Conference on Restructuring Public Health Services and the Role of Trade Unions in this Process: Additional information

Employers' activities

  1. Caucasian Subregional Workshop for Employers' Organizations
  2. Central American Subregional Employers' Forum of Labour Coordinators
  3. Central American Subregional Employers' Seminar on Cooperation for Entrepreneurial Competitivity
  4. Asian Subregional Workshop for National Employers' Organizations of China, Mongolia and Viet Nam on Representing Employers' Interests: The Lobbying Function of an Employers' Organization
  5. Subregional Training Workshop for Employers' Organizations for Selected Countries of Asia and the Pacific: Additional information
  6. Eighth ILO Round Table for Caribbean Employers' Organizations: Additional information
  7. South Asian Subregional Employers' Symposium: Additional information
  8. Eighth Pan-African Conference of Employers' Organizations: Additional information

Workers' activities

  1. Central American Subregional Workers' Education Seminar on Occupational Safety and Health in the Rural Sector
  2. Central American Subregional Workers' Seminar on Industrial Relations and Conditions of Work in Free Trade and Export Processing Zones
  3. Central American Subregional Workers' Seminar on Vocational Training, Employment and Collective Bargaining
  4. Latin American Subregional Workers' Seminar on Continuing Education for Tripartite Social Dialogue
  5. Latin American Subregional Workers' Seminar on Workers, Social Dialogue and Vocational Training
  6. South Asian Subregional Trade Union Workshop on Child Labour in Plantations
  7. Central American Workers' Education Seminar on Economic Integration: Additional information
  8. Central American Subregional Workers' Education Seminar on International Labour Standards and Human Rights: Additional information

Meeting submitted to the Officers of the Governing Body through the special procedure and held prior to the present session of the Governing Body

  1. Central American Subregional Workers' Education Seminar on International Labour Standards in Rural Areas

International labour standards and human rights

1. Caribbean Subregional Tripartite Seminar
on National Legislation and International
Labour Standards

Proposed date:

August 1999 (one week)




ILO regular budget US$152,000

Geographical coverage:

Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and Turks and Caicos Islands

Composition of participants:

(a) Governments:


(b) Employers:


(c) Workers:



Officials of the Government as well as of workers' and employers' organizations of the host country

Purpose of meeting:

To familiarize government officials and the social partners with ILO procedures and the obligations of member States relating to international labour standards

Relevance to international
labour standards:

ILO standards in general

Working language:


2. Seminar for Arab States on the Ratification
and Application of Core Conventions:
Additional information

Former date:

April 1999

New date:

9-12 May 1999


Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic

3. Caribbean Subregional Tripartite Seminar
on Recent Trends in Employment Equality
Issues for Labour Courts and Tribunals:
Additional information

Former date:

First half of 1999

New date:

September 1999


Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Employment and human resources development

4. Tripartite Consultative Meeting on Human
Resources Development and Training for
Selected Latin American Countries

Proposed date:

6-9 July 1999


Montevideo, Uruguay


ILO regular budget (US$70,000)

Geographical coverage:

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay

Composition of participants:

(a) Governments:


(b) Employers:


(c) Workers:


Resource persons:

6 from academic and training institutions


Inter-American Development Bank;
Southern Cone Common Market (MERCOSUR);
United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean;
World Bank

Purpose of meeting:

(i) to identify the main regional concerns and priorities in the field of human resources development and training, reflecting the views of all ILO constituents;

(ii) to prepare follow-up activities, including the identification of elements which might need to be considered in future ILO work.

Relevance to international
labour standards:

Human Resources Development Convention, 1975 ( No. 142 ); and Human Resources Development Recommendation, 1975 ( No.150 )

Working language:


5. Regional Consultation for Arab States on
Employment: Follow-up to the World Summit
for Social Development

Proposed date:

September 1999 (three days)


Beirut, Lebanon


ILO regular budget (US$60,000)

Geographical coverage:

Bahrein, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, United Arab Emirates and Yemen

Composition of participants:

(a) Governments:


(b) Employers:


(c) Workers:


Resource persons:

5 consultants from academic institutions


1 tripartite delegation from the West Bank and Gaza;
Arab Labour Organization;
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for West Asia;
United Nations Development Programme, Lebanon;
United Nations Children Fund, Lebanon;
Economic Research Forum, Egypt

Purpose of meeting:

(i) to review the national actions undertaken by the countries in the region with regard to the commitments made at the World Summit for Social Development with particular reference to employment issues;
(ii) to pave the way for further policy measures and employment promotion programmes at the national level;
(iii) to identify the employment needs in the region and to develop related ILO activities;
(iv) the outcome of this regional consultation would also be reported to the International Consultation on the Follow-up to the World Summit for Social Development, which would be held in November 1999.

Relevance to international
labour standards:

Forced Labour Convention, 1930 ( No. 29 ); Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 ( No.87 ); Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 ( No. 98 ); Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 ( No. 100 ); Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 ( No. 105 ); Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 ( No.111 ); Employment Policy Convention, 1964 ( No.122 ); and Minimum Age Convention, 1973 ( No. 138 )

Working languages:

Arabic and English

6. Asian and Pacific Tripartite Consultative
Meeting on Human Resources Development
and Training: Additional information

Former date:

May 1999

New date:

30 June-2 July 1999



7. Preliminary Consultation on Home Work
for Selected Countries in Latin America:
Additional information

Former date:

May 1999

New date:

26-28 May 1999


Santiago, Chile

Industrial relations

8. Central European Subregional Tripartite
Seminar on the Promotion of Collective Bargaining

Proposed date:

24-25 June 1999


Warsaw, Poland


ILO regular budget US$23,000; Government of Poland US$5,000

Geographical coverage:

Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Slovakia

Composition of participants:

(a) Governments:


(b) Employers:


(c) Workers:


Resource persons:

Experts from European countries representing academic institutions, employers' and workers' organizations

Purpose of meeting:

Purpose of meeting: To exchange information and experience on methods and practices of collective bargaining, with particular reference to the sector/branch level and with a view to reinforcing collective bargaining in Central Europe

Relevance to international
labour standards:

Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 ( No.87 ); Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 ( No. 98 ); Collective Bargaining Convention, 1981 ( No.154 ); and Collective Bargaining Recommendation, 1981 ( No. 163 )

Working language:

English and Polish

9. Latin American Subregional Tripartite Seminar
on New Trends in Collective Bargaining in
Countries of the Southern Cone

Proposed date:

Second half of 1999 (three days)


Buenos Aires, Argentina


ILO regular budget US$43,716

Geographical coverage:

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay

Composition of participants:

(a) Governments:


(b) Employers:


(c) Workers:


Purpose of meeting:

To discuss new trends in collective bargaining and to examine it in the context of the flexibilization of the labour market

Relevance to international
labour standards:

Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 ( No.87 ); Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 ( No. 98 ); Labour Relations (Public Service) Convention, 1978 ( No. 151 ); and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1981 ( No. 154 )

Working languages:


10. Caribbean Subregional Seminar on Industrial
Courts, Industrial Tribunals and Mediation
Services: Additional information

Former date:

1-5 March 1999

New date:

22-26 March 1999


Trinidad and Tobago

11. Subregional Tripartite Meeting for the
Countries of the West African Economic and
Monetary Union on the Promotion of Social
Dialogue and Tripartite Consultation: Additional information

Former date:

7-9 May 1999

New date:

6-7 May 1999


Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Former financing:

ILO regular budget US$20,000; European Commission US$50,000; and Government of Belgium US$15,000

New financing:

ILO regular budget US$15,881; Government of Belgium US$26,000; and PRODIAF (8) US$7,000

Former composition:

(a) Governments:


(b) Employers:


(c) Workers:


New composition:

(a) Governments:


(b) Employers:


(c) Workers:


12. Asian Regional Seminar on Industrial
Relations and Globalization:
Additional information

Former date:

April 1999

New date:

August 1999


Bangkok, Thailand

Labour administration

13. ARLAC Subregional Seminar on
Labour Migration and Labour Standards:
Additional information


22-26 March 1999

Former place:

Gaborone, Botswana

New place:

Lusaka, Zambia

14. Caribbean Subregional Training Seminar
for Trainers in Labour Administration:
Additional information

Former date:

26-30 April 1999

New date:

24-28 May 1999



Working conditions and environment

15. ILO/SADC Southern African Subregional
Tripartite Conference on Occupational
Safety and Health

Proposed date:

6-8 July 1999


Windhoek, Namibia


ILO regular budget US$50,000

Geographical coverage:

Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Composition of participants:

(a) Governments:


(b) Employers:


(c) Workers:


Resource persons:

10 from ministries of labour, employers' and workers' organizations and academic institutions

Purpose of meeting:

(i) to follow up the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the ILO and SADC, as well as of resolutions adopted at SADC Ministerial and Social Partners' Conferences;
(ii) to provide a subregional forum for the identification of priority needs in occupational safety and health;
(iii) to strengthen technical cooperation with a view to decreasing the occupational accidents and diseases in the subregion.

Relevance to international
labour standards:

Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 ( No. 155 ); Occupational Health Services Convention, 1985 ( No. 161 ); Chemicals Convention, 1990 ( No. 170 ); Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents Convention, 1993 ( No. 174 ); and Safety and Health in Mines Convention, 1995 ( No. 176 )

Working language:


16 . Tripartite Seminar on Child Labour for
Arab Countries: Additional information

Former date:

April 1999

New date:

19-21 October 1999


Amman, Jordan

Sectoral activities

17 . ILO/PSI Central Asia Conference on
Restructuring Public Health Services and
the Role of Trade Unions in this Process:
Additional information

Former date:

25-27 March 1999

New date:

24-26 March 1999


Almaty, Kazakhstan

Employers' activities

18. Caucasian Subregional Workshop
for Employers' Organizations

Proposed date:

27-28 May 1999


Tiblisi, Georgia


Government of Denmark (US$8,000)

Geographical coverage:

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia

Composition of participants:

(b) Employers:


Purpose of meeting:

To build the institutional capacity of employers' organizations

Relevance to international
labour standards:

Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 ( No.87 ); and Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 ( No.98 )

Working language:

English and Russian

Industrial relations

19. Central American Subregional Employers'
Forum of Labour Coordinators

Proposed date:

27-28 May 1999


Tegucigalpa, Honduras


ILO regular budget (US$6,500)

Geographical coverage:

Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama

Composition of participants:

(b) Employers:


Purpose of meeting:

(i) to inform the labour coordinators of ILO activities planned for 1999 in order to facilitate their participation in ILO projects;
(ii) to examine a study on prices and salaries and to familiarize the participants with the electronic data bank on human resources established by the ILO in Honduras.

Working language:


20. Central American Subregional
Employers' Seminar on Cooperation
for Entrepreneurial Competitivity

Proposed date:

15-16 July 1999


Guatemala City, Guatemala


ILO regular budget US$23,430; and Ford Foundation US$10,000

Geographical coverage:

Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama

Composition of participants:

(b) Employers:

28 (of which 14 from micro-enterprises)

Resource persons:

5 entrepreneurs and academics


Génesis Empresarial Fe y Alegria (Guatemala);
Fundación Neborowsky (Nicaragua);
Fundación Covelo (Honduras);
Fundación para el Desarollo (Honduras);
Catholic Relief Service y Fusai (El Salvador);
Centro de Asociación Pastoral (Costa Rica);
Instituto para el Fomento Agroindustrial (Costa Rica);
Fundación para el Desarollo Sostenible (Panama);
Cooperativa de Crédito para la Pequeña y Microempresa (Panama)

Purpose of meeting:

(i) to exchange information on various forms of viable and productive cooperation between large, medium-sized and small enterprises;
(ii) to highlight the necessity to start policies and mechanisms for facilitating the cooperation between large, medium-sized and small enterprises.

Working language:


21. Asian Subregional Workshop for National
Employers' Organizations of China, Mongolia
and Viet Nam on Representing Employers'
Interests: The Lobbying Function of an
Employers' Organization

Proposed date:

19-23 July 1999




Government of Denmark US$48,000

Geographical coverage:

China, Mongolia and Viet Nam

Composition of participants:



Resource persons:

5 from employers' organizations

Purpose of meeting:

To enable the employers' organizations in the transition countries concerned to effectively represent member interests and promote the market economy through influencing government policy and public opinion

Relevance to international
labour standards:

Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 (No. 144)

Working language:


22. Subregional Training Workshop for
Employers' Organizations for Selected
Countries of Asia and the Pacific:
Additional information

Former date:

22-25 February 1999

New date:

22 March-1 April 1999


Chiang Mai, Thailand

23. Eighth ILO Round Table for Caribbean
Employers' Organizations:
Additional information

Former title:

Caribbean Subregional Employers' Meeting on the Impact of Regional Investment Regimes, on Industrial Relations and Human Resources Management Practices in the Early 21st Century

New title:

As above

Former date:

May 1999

New date:

3-5 May 1999

Former place:

To be determined

New place:

Ocho Rios, Jamaica

Additional countries to be invited:

Saint Kitts and Nevis and Cayman Islands

New composition of participants:

Employers: 15

24. South Asian Subregional Employers'
Symposium: Additional information

Former date:

21-23 February 1999

New date:

1-2 November 1999

Former place:

Colombo, Sri Lanka

New place:

Bangalore, India

Working language:


25. Eighth Pan-African Conference of
Employers' Organizations:
Additional information

Former date:

May 1999

New date:

10-12 May 1999


Dakar, Senegal

Former title:

Eighth Conference of African Employers' Organizations

New title:

As above

Workers' activities

26. Central American Subregional Workers'
Education Seminar on Occupational Safety
and Health in the Rural Sector

Proposed date:

5-7 April 1999


San José, Costa Rica


Government of Norway US$17,000

Geographical coverage:

Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua

Composition of participants:



Purpose of meeting:

To promote occupational safety and health in the rural sector and to increase the role of trade unions in this process

Relevance to international
labour standards:

Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 ( No.87 ); Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 ( No. 98 ); Maximum Weight Convention, 1967 ( No.127 ); Workers' Representatives Convention, 1971 ( No. 135 ); Rural Workers' Organisations Convention, 1975 ( No. 141 ); Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 ( No. 155 ); Occupational Health Services Convention, 1985 ( No. 161 ); and Chemicals Convention, 1990 ( No. 170 )

Working language:


27. Central American Subregional Workers'
Seminar on Industrial Relations and
Conditions of Work in Free Trade and
Export Processing Zones

Proposed date:

May or June 1999 (three days)


Guatemala or Costa Rica


Government of Spain (US$15,000)

Geographical coverage:

Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama

Composition of participants:



Purpose of meeting:

(i) To discuss the present situation of industrial relations and the application of international labour Conventions in export processing zones; and
(ii) to develop trade union strategies concerning export processing zones.

Relevance to international
labour standards:

Forced Labour Convention, 1930 ( No. 29 ); Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 ( No.87 ); Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 ( No. 98 ); Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 ( No. 100 ); Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 ( No. 105 ); Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 ( No.111 ); and Minimum Age Convention, 1973 ( No.138 )

Working language:


28. Central American Subregional Workers'
Seminar on Vocational Training, Employment
and Collective Bargaining

Proposed date:

August 1999 (three days)


Mexico or Dominican Republic


Government of Spain (US$20,000)

Geographical coverage:

Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama

Composition of participants:



Resource persons:

1 from the Turin Centre

Purpose of meeting:

(i) to discuss and analyse the state of vocational training in the subregion;
(ii) to examine the relationship between vocational training, structures and demands of employment and collective bargaining; and
(iii) to develop proposals of trade unions for consultations in tripartite bodies.

Relevance to international
labour standards:

Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 ( No.87 ); Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 ( No. 98 ); Employment Policy Convention, 1964 ( No.122 ); Human Resources Development Convention, 1975 ( No. 142 ); Termination of Employment Convention, 1982 ( No. 158 ); Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention, 1983 ( No.159 ); and Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 ( No. 169 )

Working language:


29. Latin American Subregional Workers'
Seminar on Continuing Education for
Tripartite Social Dialogue

Proposed date:

August 1999 (four days)


Bolivia or Colombia


Government of Spain US$25,000

Geographical coverage:

Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela

Composition of participants:

(c) Workers:


Purpose of meeting:

(i) to analyse trends in workers' education and the development of programmes of workers' education for tripartite social dialogue; and
(ii) to develop proposals for the modernization of workers' education systems.

Relevance to international
labour standards:

Forced Labour Convention, 1930 ( No. 29 ); Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 ( No.87 ); Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 ( No. 98 ); Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 ( No. 100 ); Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 ( No. 105 ); Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 ( No.111 ); and Minimum Age Convention, 1973 ( No.138 ); Paid Educational Leave Convention, 1974 ( No.140 ); Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 ( No. 144 )

Working language:


30. Latin American Subregional Workers'
Seminar on Workers, Social Dialogue
and Vocational Training

Proposed date:

September 1999




Government of Spain US$20,000

Geographical coverage:

Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay

Composition of participants:



Purpose of meeting:

(i) to discuss and analyse the state of vocational training in the subregion within the framework of social dialogue;
(ii) to examine the relationship between vocational training, structures and demands of employment and collective bargaining; and
(iii) to develop trade union proposals for discussion in tripartite fora.

Relevance to international
labour standards:

Forced Labour Convention, 1930 ( No. 29 ); Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 ( No.87 ); Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 ( No. 98 ); Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 ( No. 100 ); Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 ( No. 105 ); Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 ( No.111 ); Minimum Age Convention, 1973 ( No.138 ); Paid Educational Leave Convention, 1974 ( No.140 ); Human Resources Development Convention, 1975 ( No.142 ); and Tripartite Consultation (International Labour Standards) Convention, 1976 ( No.144 )

Working language:


31. South Asian Subregional Trade Union
Workshop on Child Labour in Plantations

Proposed date:

Second half of 1999


India or Nepal


ILO regular budget US$40,000

Geographical coverage:

Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka

Composition of participants:



Purpose of meeting:

(i) to examine the current state of child labour in plantations in the participating countries;
(ii) to identify the role and strategy of trade unions; and
(iii) to formulate a plan of action.

Relevance to international
labour standards:

Forced Labour Convention, 1930 ( No. 29 ); Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 ( No. 105 ); and Minimum Age Convention, 1973 ( No. 138 )

Working language:


32. Central American Workers' Education
Seminar on Economic Integration:
Additional information

Former date:

1-5 February 1999

New date:

3-7 May 1999

Former place:

Panama City, Panama

New place:

Managua, Nicaragua

33.Central American Subregional Workers'
Education Seminar on International
Labour Standards and Human Rights:
Additional information

Former date:

19-23 April 1999

New date:

26-30 July 1999

Former place:

Guatemala City, Guatemala

New place:

Panama City, Panama

Meeting submitted to the Officers of the Governing Body
through the special procedure and held prior to
the present session of the Governing Body

34. Central American Subregional Workers'
Education Seminar on International
Labour Standards in Rural Areas

Proposed date:

15-17 March 1999


San José, Costa Rica


Government of Norway US$17,000

Geographical coverage:

Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua

Composition of participants:



Purpose of meeting:

To promote international labour standards in rural areas

Relevance to international
labour standards:

Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No.87); Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98); Plantations Convention, 1958 [and Protocol, 1982] (No. 110); Guarding of Machinery Convention, 1963 (No. 119); and Workers' Representatives Convention, 1971 (No. 135)

Working languages:


1. All Employer and Worker participants to be invited to the events referred to in this paper would be nominated in accordance with the usual procedure.

2. GB.273/Inf.2, item 4.

3. GB.270/Inf.2, item 2; GB.271/Inf.2, item 1; and GB.273/Inf.2, item 5.

4. GB.273/Inf.2, item 13

5. GB.273/Inf.2, item 12

6. GB.273/Inf.2, item 23.

7. GB.273/Inf.2, item 25.

8. Promotion du dialogue social en Afrique francophone (Promotion of Social Dialogue in French-speaking African Countries -- an ILO/Belgium project).

9. GB.273/Inf.2, item 24.

10. GB.273/Inf.2, item 27.

11. GB.273/Inf.2, item 28.

12. This Conference was submitted to the Officers of the Governing Body in December 1998 and was approved. At the time of the submission to the Officers of the Governing Body, the proposed date was 16-18 February 1999.

13. GB.273/Inf.2, item 34.

14. GB.273/Inf.2, item 37

15. GB.272/Inf.2, item 21; and GB.273/Inf.2, item 44.

16. GB.273/Inf.2, item 40.

17. GB.273/Inf.2, item 39.

18. GB.273/Inf.2, item 41.

19. This seminar was submitted to the Officers of the Governing Body in February 1999 and was approved.

20. GB.273/Inf.2, item 48.

21. GB.273/Inf.2, item 50.

Updated by VC. Approved by RH. Last update: 26 January 2000.