L'OIT est une institution spécialisée des Nations-Unies

267e session
Genève, novembre 1996


Annexe I

Liste des projets analysés

1. IND/84/MO2/DAN: Wasteland development through women's organizations -- Bengale-Occidental.

2. IND/87/MO3/NET: Wasteland development through women's organizations -- Gujerat.

3. RAS/91/M14/DAN: Women workers in the new putting out system -- Thaïlande, Indonésie, Philippines.

4. RAF/88/M15/FRG and RAF/92/M18/FRG: Improved livelihood for disabled women -- Zambie, Zimbabwe, Botswana.

5. RAF/86/MO2/NET and ZIM/92/MO1/NET: Action to assist rural women -- Tanzanie, Zimbabwe.

6. TOG/85/WO1: Togo -- Organisation et formation des femmes dans l'artisanat de poterie à Kouvé.

7. NER/90/MO2/NET and NER/93/MO1/NET: Promotion et formation de coopératives dans le département de Zinder.

8. EGY/83/MO4/NET: Productive activities for women settlers in Upper Egypt.

9. BOL/88/007: Recuperación cultural y desarrollo de talleres autogestionarios en el área de los Jal'qa -- Bolivie.

10. CZE/90/MO2/NET: Plan of action for women's employment during the transition to a market economy system in the CSFR.

11. PHI/88/MO2/NET: Diversification of women's occupations through training.

12. PAK/84/MO2/NET: Pakistan -- strengthening of secretarial training for women.

13. INS/89/MO3/NET: Improvement of women workers' welfare and working conditions.

Annexe II

Documents de référence

Wasteland development through women's organizations (West Bengal, India); Terminal report, Genève, 1995, 57 pp. (IND/84/M02/DAN).

Wasteland development through women's organizations (West Bengal, India); Final evaluation report, Genève, 1995, 1 V. (IND/84/M02/DAN).

Wasteland development through women's organization (Gujarat, India); Terminal report, Genève, 1994, 63 pp. (IND/87/M03/NET).

Report of the final evaluation mission; Wasteland development through women's organization (Gujarat, India), Genève, juillet 1994, 1 V. (IND/87/M03/NET).

Report on the final evaluation; Women workers in the new putting-out system in Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines -- Phase II, Genève, 1995, 101 pp. (RAS/91/M14/DAN).

Improved livelihood for disabled women; A regional promotional programme for Southern African countries; Final evaluation, Harare, janv. 1994, 1 V. (RAF/92/M18/FRG).

Regional Africa: Improved livelihood for disabled women; A regional promotional programme for Southern African countries; Project findings and recommendations, Genève, 1995, 41 pp. (RAF/88/M15/FRG).

Action to assist rural women; lessons from Africa; Case studies of four projects in Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Niger and Guinea, Genève, 1995, 1 V. (RAF/86/M02/NET) (ZIM/92/M01/NET).

Action to assist rural women; Report on the tripartite evaluation, Genève, fév. 1996, 1 V. (ZIM/92/MO1/NET).

Report of the final evaluation; Action to assist rural women (Tanzania), Genève, sept. 1993, 1 V. (RAF/86/MO2/NET).

Togo: Organisation et formation des femmes dans l'artisanat de poterie à Kouvé; Résultats du projet et recommandations en découlant, Genève, 1993, 1 V. (TOG/85/W01).

Projet promotion et formation des coopératives, Zinder; rapport final de la phase III, Genève, janv. 1995, 2 V. (NER/90/MO2/NET).

Niger: Participation des entreprises à caractère coopératif à la sécurité alimentaire et au développement local dans le département de Zinder; rapport d'évaluation interne et proposition d'ajustement de la phase IV, Genève, 1995, 81 pp. (NER/93/M01/NET).

Halima goes to market; The Kom Ombo story; Lessons from the project; Productive activities for women settlers in Upper Egypt, Genève, 1996, 52 pp. (EGY/83/M04/NET).

Desarrollo de la capacidad productiva y organizativa de talleres autogestionarios -- Jalq'a; Informe y evaluación del rendimiento del proyecto, Genève, fév. 1996, 27 pp. (BOL/88/007).

Desarrollo de la capacidad productiva y organizativa de talleres autogestionarios -- Jalq'a; Resumen del informe del examen tripartito; Genève, avril 1996, 6 pp. (BOL/88/007).

Plan of action for women's employment during the transition to a market economy system in the CSFR; project evaluation report, Genève, déc. 1992, 16 pp. (CZE/90/MO2/NET).

Philippines: Diversification of women's occupations through training; Draft report of tripartite evaluation mission, Genève, fév. 1992, 1 V. (PHI/88/MO2/NET).

Philippines: Diversification of women's occupations through training (demonstration project); Project findings and recommendations, Genève, 1992, 35 pp. (PHI/88/M02/NET).

Strengthening of secretarial training for women in Pakistan; Tripartite evaluation review, nov. 1993, 40 pp. (PAK(84/MO2/NET).

Pakistan: Strengthening of secretarial training for women; Project findings and recommendations; Terminal report, Genève, 1995, 40 pp. (PAK/84/M02/NET).

Improvement of women workers' welfare and working conditions; Draft terminal report, Genève, juin 1992, 1 V. (INS/89/MO3/NET).

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