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World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization

« Commissioners
Alain Ludovic Tou - Burkina Faso

Chairperson of the ILO Governing Body (2001-2002) and Minister of Employment, Labour and Social Security of Burkina Faso since November 2000. Mr. Tou has occupied a number of senior government positions which includes: Member of the Economic and Social Council, President of the Executive Committee of the Popular Front; Minister of House and Urbanization (1991-1992); Minister of Health (1997-2000). He holds PhD in Sociology and worked as professional sociologist in senior positions at CNSS in charge of issues such as management of the family benefits, safety at workplace issues and the retirement benefits.

The Commission
How it works
The Secretariat
The Secretariat's tasks
Global consultations
Policy topics
The Social Dimension of Globalization
Press Releases

Established by the ILO
 Updated 20 December 2002